Your dream job awaits.

Join our elite network of professionals to fast-track into incredible contract or contract-to-hire opportunities hand-selected for you.

Unlock access to thousands of the world's top companies.

Make your Layover worthwhile with opportunities from cutting-edge startups to Fortune 500 companies, through our top-tier partnerships.


Introduce Yourself

Tell us all about yourself using our simple onboarding form. Sell yourself to us and who you'll be working with.



Go through a quick, real-world screening process with one of our highly-skilled experts and tell us what you're looking for.



Our team will hand-pick the highest quality opportunities for you. If you like something, it's yours. Simple as that!


Job Offer

As a part of our program, you'll recieve a job offer to sign. No more applications, no more interviews, no more hassle.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Layover works with hand-selected staffing agencies to fast-track you to the top job opportunities.

  • At this time, we only select the top 1% of software developers to join our partner companies in a full-time capacity.

  • Joining our network is free. We only take a small percentage of your earnings once you've found the job of your dreams.